Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Motivating your Mind! (Class project - SCPR-520 Multicultural Media History)

Be and It Is! Imagine it, Believe it, Achieve it!

What if I told you, you are meant to have an amazing life, you are meant to have everything you love and desire and you are meant to accomplish all of the things you would love to accomplish! All of the power you have inside of you will allow you accomplish all of your desires once you understand the way life works!

So many people do not live for today. They are completely consumed with the future and yet how we live today creates our tomorrow. It is what you feel today that matters because it is the only thing that determines your future. Every single day is an opportunity for new life and on any one day, you can change the future through what you feel and desire!

I read that every moment of life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come you.

You might be asking, what is a “clear enough request”? Knowing EXACTLY what it is that you want out of life and requesting it! It’s just that simple.

So the first thing you have to do is imagine it! Close your eyes. Use your mind to focus on what you desire. See yourself with it. Know you deserve it believe you could have it! Feel it. Whatever you want to be, to do or have in life, it is yours. Your imagination is so strong, it connects you to what you want in an instant. Then receive it! Whatever you desire you must want it with all of your heart. Desire is love therefore you must have a burning fiery desire in your heart to harness the force of your desires.

Nobel Peace Prize winner George Bernard Shaw said “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will. You have to have faith!”

What is will, you might ask. A will is a desire or wish. Faith is to believe that which you do not yet see; and the reward of this faith is to see that which you believe.

Everything that you do, know that you are creating your own life’s story. So what story are you telling and will tell about yourself. Do you believe everything you desire, you can have? Do you believe that you are meant to have an amazing life? You are an unlimited being and the universe is unlimited.  

Your story may be whatever you want it to be. Therefore start telling your story exactly how YOU want it to be. Imagine it, Feel it, Believe it and Receive it! The power is within you! You have in you everything you need to accomplish anything you want! Keep imagining.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition ... Stay hungry, Stay foolish." Steve Jobs

For me, failure is not an option! However, I did fall. And each time I fell, I learned something.

Oprah once said "It doesn't matter how far you might rise. At some point you are bound to stumble. ... If you're constantly pushing yourself higher ... the law of averages, not to mention the Myth of Icarus, predicts that you will at some point fall. And when you do I want you to know this, remember this: There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.

Be And It Is! Imagine it, Believe it, Achieve it!

Just Be (Class project - SCPR-520 Multicultural Media History)

My daughter, one of her school mates and I went to Ocean City last week and returned Monday morning. While I’ve been there several times, I finally had quite a bit of time to observe my surroundings, enjoy the sunrise and sunsets, appreciate the natures beauty, acknowledge God and work on building a stronger relationship with myself, those around me and more importantly – GOD!

Anyhow, as I sat thinking of the how I can become a better me, the thought HOW to BE came to mind. So, I decided to google it; How to Just Be! There were over 1 million results but primarily focusing on things like How to Be Yourself, Be By Yourself, Be in Love, Be Happy and so on.

One particular site came up on the search engine that I decided to give it a look over. And to my surprise, there was a host of information was on the page that linked me right back to meditation. One paragraph noted that to if you’ve never meditated, just being is pointless, sounds passive and indulgent. However, if you have - to “Just Be” it’s a freedom in being that is cleansing and productive thus when recognized we are able to see how much more creative, considerate and judicious our actions could be if we would “just be”.

People all around me/us are doing this and that but the question came up on whether the actually doing is part of a problem. Very few just stop! Stop with social media, making and taking phone calls, checking emails, writing or whatever they are doing. But just sitting in a quite area with no interruptions to do deep breathing will allow you to just BE in the moment. 

I also stumbled across a blog page by Britt Reints, in Pursuit of Happiness and she noted the below comments by Naomi’s on what Just Being meant to her.

For me? Just Being means:

~turning off the computer (literally OFF, which can be so painful sometimes! Pathetic to actually type that out loud!)
~ actually listening to my littles when they ask me a question
~ sitting for 5 minutes with headphones on while waiting to pick up my kids, instead of gabbing with other moms at school
~ not turning on the tv before bed and simply sitting there, collecting my thoughts aimlessly, rehashing the good in the day I’ve just finished.

I’m learning to love finding the small moments in the course of a day!

She said that to just be is about minimizing distractions so that you can do the things that contribute to who you are. 

So, during my down time in Ocean City, I noticed that from these articles, I was right on track. The meditation, observation and connecting to the universe and God are actions that I’ve taken to assist me with being a better me! With all of the busyness that going on around, just being seems to be what’s comfortable and keeping me grounded.